The logo of the Eco center “Chez Maria Julia” shows the balance between the forces of Heaven and Earth. Heaven and Earth’s energy interact everywhere in nature as two complementary opposites.
The descending celestial force, represent the permanent influence of the cosmos on earth, in radiation and the influence of the stars and the planets. The Sun is essential for life on earth, as are the clouds, the rain and the wind.

On the other hand, there is the ascending force from the earth, the huge growingpower in nature on earth, as we see in plants and animals, but also in the earth itself, with storms, earthquakes and volcano-eruptions, which creates mountains and seas.

Due to its location at the boundary of two tectonic platforms, Heaven and Earth forces are strongly present in Cape Verde, as the Logo shows.
On the left side, we recognize the ascending forces of the Earthpower, through the mountains, trees, flora and fauna.
On the right side, we recognize the descending Heavenforce, with the Sun as the main source of life. Occasionally, we have water from the rain, as clouds, rain, mist and water vapor.

Located in middle of the Atlantic Ocean, in the 10 islands of Cape Verde, blows always the refreshing aliseo wind which supplies salt and minerals. The ocean supplies enough food such as fish, seafood and seaweed. All this, make Cape Verde a natural and fertile habitat.

“Chez Maria Julia” wants to offer to its guests and visitors, a practical application of all celestial and earth forces in a contemporary and ecological way.